Acupuncture heals pain, Acupuncture heals mind, Acupuncture heals from within
Conditions Treated with Acupuncture
The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture as an effective form of treatment for a wide variety of diseases and symptoms/conditions.
Below is a list of common conditions we treat with acupuncture. Click on a link to learn more about how acupuncture treats the condition.
Signs of Imbalance – TCM Vital Signs
The body is unable to recharge its energy effectively through sleep. Some people drink coffee or caffeine-rich energy drinks to seek an instant energy boost.
Lacking appetite:
A weak or overloaded digestive tract has failed to empty on time.
Unable to sleep 6 to 8 hour straight at bedtime:
The racing mind has built up too much momentum throughout the day – and so slowing down by night time has become too hard or takes too long.
Cold hands and feet:
This is poor blood circulation in the limbs as a result of energy depletion. In this situation, the body reduces blood supply to less important areas such as the digestive tract, hands, and feet in order to safeguard supply to critical organs such as the brain and heart.
Irregular (less than 1 a day) and poorly formed bowel movement:
Usually means that the large intestine is sluggish and unable to eliminate garbage effectively.
Experiencing mood swings/depression:
Generally indicates that you are low on energy and facing a regular outpouring of repressed emotions.
Lack of control:
Urinary, bowel incontinence, and unintentional spillage of saliva from the mouth, all indicates that qi is weak and the body lacks energy to regulate muscle.
Low or no libido:
This indicates the body’s energy levels are so low that it has to cut down energy supply to less urgent systems such as the reproductive system.
The true meaning of acupuncture treatment is the exchange of energy. You may notice that almost all of the above symptoms are rooted in low energy and fatigue. Intuitively, we try to fix the surface layer signs of fatigue without seeing what is beneath it. At The Point we treat the whole person, not just the symptoms.